Historique des révisions (en anglais)

Version 2.7

Version 2.7beta 2

Version 2.7beta

Version 2.6

Version 2.6beta3

Version 2.6beta2

Version 2.6beta

Version 2.5 (June 22nd, 2009)

Version 2.5beta 2 (May 19th, 2009)

Version 2.5beta (April 21st, 2009)

Version 2.4.2 (November 1st, 2008)

Version 2.4.1 (October 8th, 2008)

Version 2.4 (September 1st, 2008)

Version 2.4beta (March 12th, 2008)

Version 2.3.1 (November 29th, 2007)

Version 2.3 (November 8th, 2007)

Version 2.3beta3 (October 6th, 2007)

Version 2.3beta2 (August 29th, 2007)

Version 2.3beta (June 28th, 2007)

Version 2.2 (January 30th, 2007)

Version 2.2beta2 (November 26th, 2006)

Version 2.2beta (October 13th, 2006)

Version 2.1 (August 9th, 2006)

Version 2.1beta2 (June 29th, 2006)

Version 2.1beta (May 9th, 2006)

Version 2.0.1 (February 2nd, 2006)

Version 2.0 (January 30th, 2006)

Version 2.0b2 (January 15th, 2006)

Version 2.0b (January 4rd, 2006)

Version 1.8.1 (September 15th, 2005)

Version 1.8 (July 30th, 2005)

Version 1.8b2 (July 13th, 2005)

Version 1.8b (June 6th, 2005)

Version 1.7.1 (April 11th, 2005)

Version 1.7 (March 20th, 2005)

Version 1.7b2 (March 7th, 2005)

Version 1.7 beta (January, 27th, 2005)

Version 1.6 (November 27th, 2004)

Version 1.6 beta (November 8th, 2004)

In an effort to produce better and more stable releases, we have decided to release a beta versions prior to future versions. We start out with today's beta release of version 1.6. Users can now choose whether to download and use the beta version for earlier access to new features, or whether to wait for the final, better-tested version. The final 1.6 version is expected to be released in a few weeks from today.

Version 1.55 (October 12th, 2004)

Version 1.5 (August 3rd, 2004)

Version 1.4 (June 6th, 2004)

Version 1.4 provides command line options for importing and exporting files, advanced search, custom export filters, and several bug fixes and minor changes.

Version 1.3.1 (May 9, 2004)

Release 1.3.1 resolves a couple of severe bugs in 1.3. All users who have downloaded 1.3 should upgrade (the bugs in 1.3 impaired functionality but did not pose a security risk).

Version 1.3.* (May 9, 2004)

This release adds entry preview, detection of duplicate entries, persistent entry marking, new import and export filters, better linking to PDF/PS/URL/DOI, and better Mac OS X compatibility. There are several other changes and improvements, and many bugfixes.

Version 1.2 (March 21, 2004)

The icon set has been replaced. Notable new features are French language support, key generator customization, string replace, and BibTeXML import. Several bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.19 (Feb 19,2004)

Version 1.1 (Jan 02, 2004)

Version 1.0 (Nov 29, 2003)

First release of JabRef