Customizing the BibTeX key generator

In the 'Key pattern' tab in Preferences, one can set the fields used in auto generation of BibTex labels. The pattern can be set for each of the standard entry types.

The pattern can contain any text you wish, in addition to field markers that indicate that a specific field of the entry should be inserted at that position of the key. A field marker generally consists of the field name enclosed in square braces, e.g. [volume]. If the field is undefined in an entry at the time of key generation, no text will be inserted by the field marker.

Several special field markers are offered, which extract only a specific part of a field. These are listed below. Feel free to suggest new special field markers.

Special field markers:

A field name (or one of the above pseudo-field names) may optionally be followed by a modifier. Currently the only defined modifier is :lower, which forces the text inserted by the field marker to be in lowercase. For example, [auth:lower] expands the last name of the first author in lowercase.

The default key pattern is [auth][year], and this could produce keys like e.g. Yared1998 If the key is not unique in the current database, it is made unique by adding one of the letters a-z until a unique key is found. Thus, the labels might look like:
