JabRef version 1.1

(c) 2004


The following people (in alphabetical order) have contributed to JabRef
(directly, or via code initially made for JBibtexManager or Bibkeeper):

Morten O. Alver (programming)
Nizar N. Batada (programming)
Nathan Dunn (programming, Bibkeeper)
Dean S. Jones (icons)
Mike Smoot (fetch Medline by ID patch)
Ulrik Stervbo (programming)
Dominik Waßenhoven (German translation)
Joerg K. Wegner (programming)
David Weitzman (programming, Bibkeeper)

JabRef is freely distributable under the terms of the Gnu Public License.

Most icons Copyright(C) 1998 by Dean S. Jones dean@gallant.com www.gallant.com/icons.htm