????, 2005 - 3.1: New rules: SimplifyStartsWith [put in optimizations ruleset], UnnecessaryParentheses [put in controversial ruleset], CollapsibleIfStatements [put in basic ruleset], UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue[put in junit ruleset], UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue [put in junit ruleset], UseStringBufferForStringAppends [put in optimizations ruleset], SimplifyConditional [design ruleset?], SingularField [controversial ruleset] Fixed bug 1169731 - UnusedImports no longer reports false positives on types used inside generics. This bug also resulted in a bug in ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop being fixed, thanks Wim! Fixed bug 1170109 - The Ant task now supports an optional 'targetjdk' attribute that accepts values of '1.3', '1.4', or '1.5'. Fixed bug 1170535 - LongVariable now report variables longer than 17 characters, not 12. Fixed bug 1182755 - SystemPrintln no longer overreports problems. Fixed bug 1183032 - The XMLRenderer no longer throws a SimpleDateFormat exception when run with JDK 1.3. Fixed bug 1188372 - AtLeastOneConstructor no longer fires on interfaces. Fixed bug 1190508 - UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion no longer fires on nested boolean literals. Fixed bug 1190461 - UnusedLocal no longer misses usages which are on the RHS of a right bit shift operator. Fixed bug 1188371 - AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops no longer fires on instantiations in loops when the 'new' keyword is preceded by a 'return' or a 'throw'. Fixed bug 1187325 - UnusedImports no longer reports a false positive on imports which are used inside an Annotation. Fixed bug 1189720 - PMD no longer fails to parse generics that use 'member selectors'. Fixed bug 1190526 - TooManyFields now accepts a property setting correctly, and default lower bound is 15 vs 10. Fixed bug 1196238 - UnusedImports no longer reports false positives for various JDK 1.5 java.lang subpackages. Implemented RFE 1193979 - BooleanInstantiation now catches cases like Boolean.valueOf(true) Implemented RFE 1171095 - LabeledStatement nodes now contain the image of the label. Modified command line parameters; removed -jdk15 and -jdk13 parameters and added a -'targetjdk [1.3|1.4|1.5]' parameter. Modified CSVRenderer to include more columns. Optimized rules: FinalFieldCouldBeStatic (115 seconds to 7 seconds), SuspiciousConstantFieldName (48 seconds to 14 seconds), UnusedModifer (49 seconds to 4 seconds) March 23, 2005 - 3.0: New rules: MissingSerialVersionUID, UnnecessaryFinalModifier, AbstractClassDoesNotContainAbstractMethod, MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass, AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel, AvoidCallingFinalize, UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify, MissingBreakInSwitch, AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause, AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName, AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName, AvoidNonConstructorMethodsWithClassName, TestClassWithoutTestCases, TooManyFields, CallSuperInConstructor, UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion, UseArrayListInsteadOfVector Implemented RFE 1058039 - PMD's command line interface now accepts abbreviated names for the standard rulesets; for example 'java net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD /my/source/code/ text basic,unusedcode' would run the rulesets/basic.xml and the rulesets/unusedcode.xml rulesets on the source in /my/source/code and produce a text report. Implemented RFE 1119851 - PMD's Ant task now supports an 'excludeMarker' attribute. Fixed bug 994400 - False +: ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule, thanks to ereissner for reporting it Fixed bug 1146116 - JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert crashes on inner Interface Fixed bug 1114625 - UnusedPrivateField no longer throws an NPE on standalone postfix expressions which are prefixed with 'this'. Fixed bug 1114020 - The Ant task now reports a complete stack trace when run with the -verbose flag. Fixed bug 1117983 - MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal no longer reports false positives on try..catch blocks. Fixed bug 797742 - PMD now parses JDK 1.5 source code. Note that it's not perfect yet; more testing/bug reports are welcome! Fixed a bug - the StatisticalRule no longer 'merges' data points when using the 'topscore' property. Fixed a bug - the PMD Ant task's failOnRuleViolation attribute no longer causes a BuildException in the case when no rule violations occur. Modified the XSLT to add a summary section. Added Ruby support to CPD. Optimized various rules and wrote a benchmarking application; results are here - http://infoether.com/~tom/pmd_timing.txt February 1, 2005 - 2.3: Fixed bug 1113927 - ExceptionAsFlowControl no longer throws NPEs on code where a throw statement exists without a try statement wrapping it. Fixed bug 1113981 - AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer no longer throws NPEs on code where an append appears as a child of an ExplicitConstructorInvocation node. Fixed bug 1114039 - AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops's message no longer contains a spelling error. Fixed bug 1114029 - The 'optimization' rules no longer throw NPEs at various points. Fixed bug 1114251 - The 'sunsecure' rules no longer throw NPEs at various points. January 31, 2005 - 2.2: New rules: LocalVariableCouldBeFinal, MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal, AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops, ArrayIsStoredDirectly, MethodReturnsInternalArray, AssignmentToNonFinalStatic, AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer Fixed bug 1088459 - JUnitTestsShouldContainAsserts no longer throws ClassCastException on interface, native, and abstract method declarations. Fixed bug 1100059 - The Ant task now generates a small empty-ish report if there are no violations. Implemented RFE 1086168 - PMD XML reports now contain a version and timestamp attribute in the element. Implemented RFE 1031950 - The PMD Ant task now supports nested ruleset tags Fixed a bug in the rule override logic; it no longer requires the "class" attribute of a rule be listed in the overrides section. Added 'ignoreLiterals' and 'ignoreIdentifiers' boolean options to the CPD task. Cleaned up a good bit of the symbol table code; thanks much to Harald Gurres for the patch. CPD now contains a generic copy/paste checker for programs in any language December 15, 2004 - 2.1: New rules: AvoidProtectedFieldInFinalClass, SystemPrintln Fixed bug 1050173 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positives for static fields. Fixed bug 1050286 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positives for classes which have multiple constructors only a subset of which set certain fields. Fixed bug 1055346 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positive on preinc/predecrement/postfix expressions. Fixed bug 1041739 - EmptyStatementNotInLoop no longer reports false positives for nested class declarations in methods. Fixed bug 1039963 - CPD no longer fails to parse C++ files with multi-line macros. Fixed bug 1053663 - SuspiciousConstantFieldName no longer reports false positives for interface members. Fixed bug 1055930 - CouplingBetweenObjectsRule no longer throws a NPE on interfaces Fixed a possible NPE in dfa.report.ReportTree. Implemented RFE 1058033 - Renamed run.[sh|bat] to pmd.[sh|bat]. Implemented RFE 1058042 - XML output is more readable now. Applied patch 1051956 - Rulesets that reference rules using "ref" can now override various properties. Applied patch 1070733 - CPD's Java checker now has an option to ignore both literals and identifiers - this can help find large duplicate code blocks, but can also result in false positives. YAHTMLRenderer no longer has dependence on Ant packages. Modified the AST to correctly include PostfixExpression nodes. Previously a statement like "x++;" was embedded in the parent StatementExpression node. Moved BooleanInstantiation from the design ruleset to the basic ruleset. Updated Xerces libraries to v2.6.2. Many rule names had the word "Rule" tacked on to the end. Various folks thought this was a bad idea, so here are the new names of those rules which were renamed: - basic.xml: UnnecessaryConversionTemporary, OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode, DoubleCheckedLocking - braces.xml: WhileLoopsMustUseBraces, IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces, ForLoopsMustUseBraces - clone.xml: ProperCloneImplementation - codesize.xml: CyclomaticComplexity, ExcessivePublicCount - controversial.xml: UnnecessaryConstructor, AssignmentInOperand, DontImportSun, SuspiciousOctalEscape - coupling.xml: CouplingBetweenObjects, ExcessiveImports, LooseCoupling - design.xml: UseSingleton, SimplifyBooleanReturns, AvoidReassigningParameters, ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod, AccessorClassGeneration, CloseConnection, OptimizableToArrayCall, IdempotentOperations. ImmutableField - junit.xml: JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage, JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert - logging-java.xml: MoreThanOneLogger, LoggerIsNotStaticFinal - naming.xml: ShortMethodName, VariableNamingConventions, ClassNamingConventions, AbstractNaming - strictexception.xml: ExceptionAsFlowControl, AvoidCatchingNPE, AvoidThrowingCertainExceptionTypes Continued working on JDK 1.5 compatibility - added support for static import statements, varargs, and the new for loop syntax - still TODO: generics and annotations (note that autoboxing shouldn't require a grammar change) - Good article on features: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/releases/j2se15/ October 19, 2004 - 2.0: New rules: InstantiationToGetClass, IdempotentOperationsRule, SuspiciousEqualsMethodName, SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale, JUnitTestsShouldContainAssertsRule, SuspiciousConstantFieldName, ImmutableFieldRule, MoreThanOneLoggerRule, LoggerIsNotStaticFinalRule, UseLocaleWithCaseConversions Applied patch in RFE 992576 - Enhancements to VariableNamingConventionsRule Implemented RFE 995910 - The HTML report can now include links to HTMLlized source code - for example, the HTML generated by JXR. Implemented RFE 665824 - PMD now ignores rule violations in lines containing the string 'NOPMD'. Fixed bug in SimplifyBooleanExpressions - now it catches more cases. Fixed bugs in AvoidDuplicateLiterals - now it ignores small duplicate literals, its message is more helpful, and it catches more cases. Fixed bug 997893 - UnusedPrivateField now detects assignments to members of private fields as a usage. Fixed bug 1020199 - UnusedLocalVariable no longer flags arrays as unused if an assignment is made to an array slot. Fixed bug 1027133 - Now ExceptionSignatureDeclaration skips certain JUnit framework methods. Fixed bug 1008548 - The 'favorites' ruleset no longer contains a broken reference. Fixed bug 1045583 - UnusedModifier now correctly handles anonymous inner classes within interface field declarations. Partially fixed bug 998122 - CloseConnectionRule now checks for imports of java.sql before reporting a rule violation. Applied patch 1001694 - Now PMD can process zip/jar files of source code. Applied patch 1032927 - The XML report now includes the rule priority. Added data flow analysis facade from Raik Schroeder. Added two new optional attributes to rule definitions - symboltable and dfa. These allow the symbol table and DFA facades to be configured on a rule-by-rule basis. Note that if your rule needs the symbol table; you'll need to add symboltable="true" to your rule definition. FWIW, this also results in about a 5% speedup for rules that don't need either layer. Added a "logging" ruleset - thanks to Miguel Griffa for the code! Enhanced the ASTViewer - and renamed it 'Designer' - to display data flows. Moved development environment to Maven 1.0. Moved development environment to Ant 1.6.2. This is nice because using the new JUnit task attribute "forkmode='perBatch'" cuts test runtime from 90 seconds to 7 seconds. Sweet. MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass now reports a more helpful line number. July 14, 2004 - 1.9: New rules: CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable, CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException, EqualsNull, ConfusingTernary Created new "clone" ruleset and moved ProperCloneImplementationRule over from the design ruleset. Moved LooseCoupling from design.xml to coupling.xml. Some minor performance optimizations - removed some unnecessary casts from the grammar, simplified some XPath rules. Postfix expressions (i.e., x++) are now available in the grammar. To access them, search for StatementExpressions with an image of "++" or "--" - i.e., in XPath, //StatementExpression[@Image="++"]. This is an odd hack and hopefully will get cleared up later. Ant task and CLI now used BufferedInputStreams. Converted AtLeastOneConstructor rule from Java code to XPath. Implemented RFE 743460: The XML report now contains the ruleset name. Implemented RFE 958714: Private field and local variables that are assigned but not used are now flagged as unused. Fixed bug 962782 - BeanMembersShouldSerializeRule no longer reports set/is as being a violation. Fixed bug 977022 - UnusedModifier no longer reports false positives for modifiers of nested classes in interfaces Fixed bug 976643 - IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule no longer reports false positives for certain if..else constructs. Fixed bug 985961 - UseSingletonRule now fires on classes which contain static fields Fixed bug 977031 - FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize no longer reports a false positive when a finalizer contains a call to super.finalize in a try {} finally {} block. May 19, 2004 - 1.8: New rules: ExceptionAsFlowControlRule, BadComparisonRule, AvoidThrowingCertainExceptionTypesRule, AvoidCatchingNPERule, OptimizableToArrayCallRule Major grammar changes - lots of new node types added, many superfluous nodes removed from the runtime AST. Bug 786611 - http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=786611&group_id=56262&atid=479921 - explains it a bit more. Fixed bug 786611 - Expressions are no longer over-expanded in the AST Fixed bug 874284 - The AST now contains tokens for bitwise or expressions - i.e., "|" April 22, 2004 - 1.7: Moved development environment to Maven 1.0-RC2. Fixed bug 925840 - Messages were no longer getting variable names plugged in correctly Fixed bug 919308 - XMLRenderer was still messed up; 'twas missing a quotation mark. Fixed bug 923410 - PMD now uses the default platform character set encoding; optionally, you can pass in a character encoding to use. Implemented RFE 925839 - Added some more detail to the UseSingletonRule. Added an optional 'failuresPropertyName' attribute to the Ant task. Refactored away duplicate copies of XPath rule definitions in regress/, yay! Removed manifest from jar file; it was only there for the Main-class attribute, and it's not very useful now since PMD has several dependencies. Began working on JDK 1.5 compatibility - added support for EnumDeclaration nodes. March 15, 2004 - 1.6: Fixed bug 895661 - XML reports containing error elements no longer have malformed XML. Fixed a bug in UnconditionalIfStatement - it no longer flags things like "if (x==true)". Applied Steve Hawkins' improvements to CPD: - Various optimizations; now it runs about 4 times faster! - fixed "single match per file" bug - tweaked source code slicing - CSV renderer Added two new renderers - SummaryHTMLRenderer and PapariTextRenderer. Moved development environment to Ant 1.6 and JavaCC 3.2. February 2, 2004 - 1.5: New rules: DontImportSunRule, EmptyFinalizer, EmptyStaticInitializer, AvoidDollarSigns, FinalizeOnlyCallsSuperFinalize, FinalizeOverloaded, FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize, MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass, ExplicitCallToFinalize, NonStaticInitializer, DefaultLabelNotLastInSwitchStmt, NonCaseLabelInSwitchStatement, SuspiciousHashcodeMethodName, EmptyStatementNotInLoop, SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule FinalizeShouldBeProtected moved from design.xml to finalizers.xml. Added isTrue() to ASTBooleanLiteral. Added UnaryExpression to the AST. Added isPackagePrivate() to AccessNode. January 7, 2004 - 1.4: New rules: AbstractNamingRule, ProperCloneImplementationRule Fixed bug 840926 - AvoidReassigningParametersRule no longer reports a false positive when assigning a value to an array slot when the array is passed as a parameter to a method Fixed bug 760520 - RuleSetFactory is less strict about whitespace in ruleset.xml files. Fixed bug 826805 - JumbledIncrementorRule no longer reports a false positive when a outer loop incrementor is used as an array index Fixed bug 845343 - AvoidDuplicateLiterals now picks up cases when a duplicate literal appears in field declarations. Fixed bug 853409 - VariableNamingConventionsRule no longer requires that non-static final fields be capitalized Fixed a bug in OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule; it no longer reports a false positive when equals() is passed the fully qualified name of Object. Implemented RFE 845348 - UnnecessaryReturn yields more useful line numbers now Added a ruleset DTD and a ruleset XML Schema. Added 'ExplicitExtends' and 'ExplicitImplements' attributes to UnmodifiedClassDeclaration nodes. October 23, 2003 - 1.3: Relicensed under a BSD-style license. Fixed bug 822245 - VariableNamingConventionsRule now handles interface fields correctly. Added new rules: EmptySynchronizedBlock, UnnecessaryReturn ASTType now has an getDimensions() method. October 06, 2003 - 1.2.2: Added new rule: CloseConnectionRule Fixed bug 782246 - FinalFieldCouldBeStatic no longer flags fields in interfaces. Fixed bug 782235 - "ant -version" now prints more details when a file errors out. Fixed bug 779874 - LooseCouplingRule no longer triggers on ArrayList Fixed bug 781393 - VariableNameDeclaration no longer throws ClassCastExpression since ASTLocalVariableDeclaration now subclasses AccessNode Fixed bug 797243 - CPD XML report can no longer contain ]]> (CDEnd) Fixed bug 690196 - PMD now handles both JDK 1.3 and 1.4 code - i.e., usage of "assert" as an identifier. Fixed bug 805092 - VariableNamingConventionsRule no longer flags serialVersionUID as a violation Fixed bug - Specifying a non-existing rule format on the command line no longer results in a ClassNotFoundException. XPath rules may now include pluggable parameters. This feature is very limited. For now. Tweaked CPD time display field Made CPD text fields uneditable Added more error checking to CPD GUI input Added "dialog cancelled" check to CPD "Save" function Added Boris Gruschko's AST viewer. Added Jeff Epstein's TextPad integration. ASTType now has an isArray() method. August 1, 2003 - 1.2.1: Fixed bug 781077 - line number "-1" no longer appears for nodes with siblings. July 30, 2003 - 1.2: Added new rules: VariableNamingConventionsRule, MethodNamingConventionsRule, ClassNamingConventionsRule, AvoidCatchingThrowable, ExceptionSignatureDeclaration, ExceptionTypeChecking, BooleanInstantiation Fixed bug 583047 - ASTName column numbers are now correct Fixed bug 761048 - Symbol table now creates a scope level for anonymous inner classes Fixed bug 763529 - AccessorClassGenerationRule no longer crashes when given a final inner class Fixed bug 771943 - AtLeastOneConstructorRule and UnnecessaryConstructorRule no longer reports false positives on inner classes. Applied patch from Chris Webster to fix another UnnecessaryConstructorRule problem. Added ability to accept a comma-delimited string of files and directories on the command line. Added a CSVRenderer. Added a "-shortfilenames" argument to the PMD command line interface. Modified grammer to provide information on whether an initializer block is static. ASTViewer now shows node images and modifiers ASTViewer now saves last edited text to ~/.pmd_astviewer Moved the PMD Swing UI into a separate module - pmd-swingui. Updated license.txt to point to new location. June 19, 2003 - 1.1: Added new rules: FinalizeShouldBeProtected, FinalFieldCouldBeStatic, BeanMembersShouldSerializeRule Removed "verbose" attribute from PMD and CPD Ant tasks; now they use built in logging so you can do a "ant -verbose cpd" or "ant -verbose pmd". Thanks to Philippe T'Seyen for the code. Added "excludes" feature to rulesets; thanks to Gael Marziou for the suggestion. Removed "LinkedList" from LooseCouplingRule checks; thx to Randall Schulz for the suggestion. CPD now processes PHP code. Added VBHTMLRenderer; thanks to Vladimir Bossicard for the code. Added "Save" item to CPD GUI; thanks to mcclain looney for the patch. Fixed bug 732592 - Ant task now accepts a nested classpath element. Fixed bug 744915 - UseSingletonRule no longer fires on abstract classes, thanks to Pablo Casado for the bug report. Fixed bugs 735396 and 735399 - false positives from ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule Fixed bug 752809 - UnusedPrivateMethodRule now catches unused private static methods, thanks to Conrad Roche for the bug report. April 17, 2003 - 1.05: Added new rules: ReturnFromFinallyBlock, SimplifyBooleanExpressions Added a new Ant task for CPD; thanks to Andy Glover for the code. Added ability to specify a class name as a renderer on the command line or in the formatter "type" attribute of the Ant task. Brian Ewins completely rewrote CPD using a portion of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform - it's much, much, much faster now. Rebuilt parser with JavaCC 3.0; made several parser optimizations. The Ant task now accepts a element to aid in loading custom rulesets. Thanks to Luke Francl for the suggestion. Fixed several bugs in UnnecessaryConstructorRule; thanks to Adam Nemeth for the reports and fixes. All test-data classes have been inlined into their respective JUnit tests. March 21, 2003 - 1.04 Added new rules: ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule, AtLeastOneConstructorRule, JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule, DoubleCheckedLockingRule, ExcessivePublicCountRule, AccessorClassGenerationRule The Ant task has been updated; if you set "verbose=true" full stacktraces are printed. Thx to Paul Roebuck for the suggestion. Moved JUnit rules into their own package - "net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.junit". Incorporated new ResourceLoader; thanks to Dave Fuller Incorporated new XPath-based rule definitions; thanks to Dan Sheppard for the excellent work. Fixed bug 697187 - Problem with nested ifs Fixed bug 699287 - Grammar bug; good catch by David Whitmore February 11, 2003 - 1.03 Added new rules: CyclomaticComplexityRule, AssignmentInOperandRule Added numbering to the HTMLRenderer; thx to Luke Francl for the code. Added an optional Ant task attribute 'failOnRuleViolation'. This stops the build if any rule violations are found. Added an XSLT script for processing the PMD XML report; thx to Mats for the code. The Ant task now determines whether the formatter toFile attribute is absolute or relative and routes the report appropriately. Moved several rules into a new "controversial" ruleset. Fixed bug 672742 - grammar typo was hosing up ASTConstructorDeclaration which was hosing up UseSingletonRule Fixed bug 674393 - OnlyOneReturn rule no longer counts returns that are inside anonymous inner classes as being inside the containing method. Thx to C. Lamont Gilbert for the bug report. Fixed bug 674420 - AvoidReassigningParametersRule no longer counts parameter field reassignment as a violation. Thx to C. Lamont Gilbert for the bug report. Fixed bug 673662 - The Ant task's "failOnError" attribute works again. Changed the semantics of this attribute, though, so it fails the build if errors occurred. A new attribute 'failOnRuleViolation' serves the purpose of stopping the build if rule violations are found. Fixed bug 676340 - Symbol table now creates new scope level when it encounters a switch statement. See the bug for code details; generally, this bug would have triggered runtime exceptions on certain blocks of code. Fixed bug 683465 - JavaCC parser no longer has ability to throw java.lang.Error; now it only throws java.lang.RuntimeExceptions. Thx to Gunnlaugur Thor Briem for a good discussion on this topic. Fixed bug in OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule - it no longer bails out with a NullPtrException on interfaces that declare a method signature "equals(Object)". Thx to Don Leckie for catching that. January 22, 2003 - 1.02: Added new rules: ImportFromSamePackageRule, SwitchDensityRule, NullAssignmentRule, UnusedModifierRule, ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoopRule Updated LooseCouplingRule to check for usage of Vector; thx to Vladimir for the good catch. Updated AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule to report the line number of the first occurrence of the duplicate String. Modified Ant task to use a formatter element; this lets you render a report in several formats without having to rerun PMD. Added a new Ant task attribute - shortFilenames. Modified Ant task to ignore whitespace in the ruleset attribute Added rule priority settings. Added alternate row colorization to HTML renderer. Fixed bug 650623 - the Ant task now uses relative directories for the report file Fixed bug 656944 - PMD no longer prints errors to System.out, instead it just rethrows any exceptions Fixed bug 660069 - this was a symbol table bug; thanks to mcclain looney for the report. Fixed bug 668119 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule now checks the signature on equals(); thanks to mcclain looney for the report. November 07 2002 - 1.01: Fixed bug 633879: EmptyFinallyBlockRule now handles multiple catch blocks followed by a finally block. Fixed bug 633892: StringToStringRule false positive exposed problem in symbol table usage to declaration code. Fixed bug 617971: Statistical rules no longer produce tons of false positives due to accumulated results. Fixed bug 633209: OnlyOneReturn rule no longer requires the return stmt to be the last statement. Enhanced EmptyCatchBlockRule to flag multiple consecutive empty catch blocks. Renamed AvoidStringLiteralsRule to AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule. Modified Ant task to truncate file paths to make the HTML output neater. November 04 2002 - 1.0: Added new rules: StringToStringRule, AvoidReassigningParametersRule, UnnecessaryConstructorRule, AvoidStringLiteralsRule Fixed bug 631010: AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule works correctly with if..else stmts now Fixed bug 631605: OnlyOneReturn handles line spillover now. Moved AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts from the braces ruleset to the design ruleset. Moved several rules from the design ruleset to the codesize ruleset. Added a new "favorites" ruleset. October 04 2002 - 1.0rc3: Added new rules: OnlyOneReturnRule, JumbledIncrementerRule, AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule PMD is now built and tested with JUnit 3.8.1 and Ant 1.5. Added support for IntelliJ's IDEAJ. Fixed bug 610018 - StringInstantiationRule now allows for String(byte[], int, int) usage. Fixed bug 610693 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles parameter shadowing better. Fixed bug 616535 - Command line interface input checking is better now. Fixed bug 616615 - Command line interface allows the text renderer to be used now Fixed a bug - the statistics rules now handle interfaces better. September 12 2002 - 1.0rc2: Added new rules: JUnitSpellingRule, JUnitStaticSuiteRule, StringInstantiationRule Added new rulesets - junit, strings. Added a printToConsole attribute to the Ant task so that you can see the report right there in the Ant output. Fixed bug in PMD GUI - rules are now saved correctly. Fixed bug 597916 - CPD line counts are accurate now. September 09 2002 - 1.0rc1: Added new rules: UnusedImportsRule, EmptySwitchStmtRule, SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefaultRule, IfStmtsMustUseBracesRule Fixed bug 597813 - Rule properties are now parsed correctly Fixed bug 597905 - UseSingletonRule now resets its state correctly Moved several rules into a new ruleset - braces. Improved CPD by removing import statements and package statements from the token set. Added Metrics API to the Report. Updated PMD GUI. August 16 2002 - 0.9: Added new rules: LongParameterListRule, SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule Enhanced statistics rules to support various ways of triggering rule violations Added rule customization via XML parameters Enhanced CopyAndPasteDetector; added a GUI Fixed bug 592060 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles explicitly referenced statics correctly Fixed bug 593849 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles nested classes better July 30 2002 - 0.8: Added new rule: UnusedFormalParameterRule Fixed bug 588083 - ForLoopsNeedBraces rule correctly handles a variety of for statement formats Added prototype of the copy and paste detector July 25 2002 - 0.7: Added new rules: UnusedPrivateMethodRule, WhileLoopsMustUseBracesRule, ForLoopsMustUseBracesRule, LooseCouplingRule Fixed bug 583482 - EmptyCatchBlock and EmptyFinallyBlock no longer report an incorrect line number. July 18 2002 - 0.6: Added new rules: ExcessiveClassLength, ExcessiveMethodLength DuplicateImportsRule now reports the correct line number. Fixed bug 582639 - Rule violations are now reported on the proper line Fixed bug 582509 - Removed unneeded throws clause Fixed bug 583009 - Now rulesets.properties is in the jar file July 15 2002 - 0.5: Added new rules: DontImportJavaLangRule, DuplicateImportsRule Added new ruleset: rulesets/imports.xml Changed sorting of RuleViolations to group Files together. Changed XML Renderer to improved format. Created DVSL Stylesheet for the new format. Moved the Cougaar rules out of the PMD core. Fixed bug 580093 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule reports a more correct line number. Fixed bug 581853 - UnusedLocalVariableRule now handles anonymous inner classes correctly. Fixed bug 580278 - this was a side effect of bug 581853. Fixed bug 580123 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable now checks for instance variable usage in inner classes. July 10 2002 - 0.4: Added new rules: OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock Reports are now sorted by line number RuleSets can now reference rules in other RuleSets Fixed bug 579718 - made 'ruleset not found' error message clearer. July 03 2002 - 0.3: Added new rules: UseSingletonRule, ShortVariableRule, LongVariableRule, ShortMethodNameRule Moved rules into RuleSets which are defined in XML files in the ruleset directory Ant task: -Added a 'failonerror' attribute -Changed 'rulesettype' to 'rulesetfiles' -Removed 'text' report format; only 'html' and 'xml' are available now June 27 2002 - 0.2: Added new rules: IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule, EmptyWhileStmtRule Modified command line interface to accept a rule set Fixed bug in EmptyCatchBlockRule Fixed typo in UnnecessaryConversionTemporaryRule Moved Ant task to the net.sourceforge.pmd.ant package Added new HTML report format June 25 2002 - 0.1: Initial release