
The Applied Software Engineering Research Group is part of the Laboratory of Software Engineering, from the Department of Computer Science, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Our mission includes:

  • Developing use-inspired research in software engineering, with focus on techniques and methods for building and evolving complex software systems.
  • Preparing students to leading positions in academia and in software-intensive industries.

Our research interests include:

  • Software maintenance, evolution, and reengineering
  • Software architecture and modularity
  • Software quality

We disseminate our research by publishing papers in high-quality software engineering venues and by implementing open source prototypes. We usually evaluate our solutions using credible datasets.

We also maintain the CSIndexbr system, which provides transparent information about the Brazilian scientific production in Computer Science.

We are also working in an open course and book, called Modern Software Engineering (in Portuguese).