Installation Instruction

  1. Download and install the PostgreSQL object-relational database system
    1. Create an database called archlintdb
    2. Execute the query file dbcreate.sql into archlintdb
  2. Download and install the Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE)
  3. Download and unzip the ArchLint tool
  4. Set the database connection properties
    1. Open the file ./lib/ArchLint-Core.jar/META-INF/persistence.xml
    2. Set javax.persistence.jdbc.url = jdbc:postgresql://<host-address>:<port-number>/archlintdb
    3. Set javax.persistence.jdbc.user = <database-user-name>
    4. Set javax.persistence.jdbc.password = <database-user-password>

How To Use

To run the ArchLint tool from the command line, go to the unzip folder and type the following: java -jar archlint.jar <options>


-p <project-xml-descriptor>   Load project xml file descriptor
-l <project-name>   Load repository revisions log
-d <project-name> <checkout-path>
<source-path> <class-path>  
Load dependencies from source code
-c <project-name> <component-model>   Load component model specification
-t <project-name> <project-thresholds>   Load metrics thresholds
-v <project-name>   Generate absences and divergences evidences report

ArchLint in Action

To evaluate the ArchLint tool, we provide an example of use involving data from the Jabref system.

  1. java -jar archlint.jar -p jabref_project.xml
  2. java -jar archlint.jar -l Jabref
  3. java -jar archlint.jar -d Jabref ./Jabref ./Jabref/src ./Jabref/lib
  4. java -jar archlint.jar -c Jabref jabref_component-model.txt
  5. java -jar archlint.jar -t Jabref jabref_thresholds.xml
  6. java -jar archlint.jar -v Jabref